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Form of government: parliamentary democratic republic.
Administrative divisions: 16 states.
Major parties: Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Christian Social Union (CSU), Green.
Legislative: Bicameral - Federal Council, with 69 members representing the states (the number of chairs and seats vary according to the state); Federal Assembly with 622 deputies elected by direct vote for a term of four years.
Constitution into force: 23 May 1949 (called "Basic Law")


Germany is a federal constitutional democracy whose political system was established with the constitution of 1949 called Grundgesetz (Basic Law). Has a parliamentary system in which the head of government, the Federal Chancellor (Chancellor), is elected by the parliament.
The parliament, called Bundestag is elected every four years by popular vote, using a complex system that combines a direct vote by proportional representation. The 16 Länder (states) are federally represented in the Bundesrat (Federal Council), which has the word in the legislative process. In recent times, there has been some controversy over the fact that the Bundestag and the Bundesrat blocked each other's decisions, which hinders the effective action of the government.
The role of head of state is the Bundespräsident (Federal President), whose powers are limited only ceremonial duties and representing the State. The President of Germany is elected by Bundesversammlung.
The judicial branch includes the Constitutional Court, called Bundesverfassungsgericht, which can block any act of legislation or administration unless they are unconstitutional.