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1. On the street the Germans never traverse if the signal is not green, there may not be a single car within a mile, even so, no one crosses the road.
2. In the streets is mandatory to collect the poop dog taken for a walk.
3. Buses and trains are not collectors, money is placed in a box next to the driver. It prints the ticket and gives the change.
4. Not only pork sausage and a German lives. There is also the cabbage - which preserves becomes the main ingredient of sauerkraut.
5. But the sausage is still very important in the country. The salsicharias never tire of creating new kinds of delicacy, even the meat decorated with drawings of animals, suitable for children.
6. There are many German recipes base beer and ham and is very common in the habit of mixing fruit to food.
7.The country has 620 hostels being that a higher amount in the world, so there are great accommodation options
8.The diesel engine was created by German Rudolf Diesel in 1885
9.The football is the most popular sport
10.The book printing was invented by a German named Johannes Gutenberg
11.Com more than 6.3 million official members, the German Football Association is the largest sports organization of its kind in the world.
Germany 12.Na sugar consumed is not the cane. They consume sugar beet
13.The Germany is one of the leading countries in the world in racing
14.The national alcoholic drink is beer. German beer consumption per person is declining, but at 116 liters annually it is still among the highest in the world.
15.The pork, beef and poultry are the main varieties of meat consumed in Germany, with pork the most popular.
16.Em all regions, meat is often food in sausage form. But 1500 types of sausage are produced in Germany.
17.The Nobel Prize has been awarded to 103 German laureates
18.The salt used in Germany comes not from the sea, but the salt mines of the Alps
95% of private companies and 61% of households have internet access
19.Quase half of all solar energy consumed worldwide is produced in Germany
20.Todos nouns in German are written with a capital letter, even in mid-sentence
German dictionary 21.No the letter C is the letter with the lowest number of words
22.The Germany is the second country in Europe by population, surpassed only by Russia
23.Na culture of Germany is the boy Jesus who brings the Christmas presents instead of Santa Claus
24.Na Germany there calculatedly 160,000 gay partner